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Good neighbor program
Investing in areas the community expressed as most important: Health & safety,
Quality of life, Education & workforce and Environmental stewardship
GCGV is integrated into this community, and we work together to make it thrive
As part of the Coastal Bend community, we are committed to working with our neighbors to implement sustainable programs based on local needs and investing in programs that give back to our community and protect our environment.
During our project development phase, GCGV held hundreds of meetings with local organizations, chambers, governments, civic groups and neighborhoods to help establish the four pillars of our Good Neighbor Program. We look forward to continuing to evolve these focus areas to meet the needs of the community and make a positive impact. We’re here for the long term. We live here too.
We delivered what we promised.
The four pillars of our Good Neighbor Program
Health and safety
The health and safety of our employees and the community go hand in hand. GCGV employees are highly trained to ensure safe and responsible operations. Our modern equipment and Operations Integrity Management System minimize risk and ensure excellence in performance.
Environmental stewardship
We are committed to protecting public safety, healthy and the environment (SH&E). We are safe, responsible stewards of our hydrocarbons, and our SH&E commitment is integrated into the facility design, present in our operating procedures and upheld through our investment in protecting our shared environment.
Education and workforce
We are committed to helping prepare tomorrow’s workforce – today. To achieve this, we invest in local high schools, colleges and trade programs by providing school supplies and technology equipment, hosting STEM days, funding scholarships and more.
Quality of life
We are committed to engaging with our neighbors, protecting our shared environment and enhancing quality of life across the region to ensure the Coastal Bend remains a desirable place to live. GCGV is proud to be part of the Coastal Bend. We work here and live here with our families, and we are invested in the future of this thriving community.

Community first
As members of the community, our employees are committed to making positive impacts where they and their families live. GCGV hosts a number of volunteer events throughout the year and is committed to working with local charitable organizations and nonprofits.
If you are a 501(c)3 organization in the Coastal Bend that would like to collaborate with GCGV, please fill out one of the following request forms.